
Unavailable at the moment

In compliance with the show cause order by the KBP or Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas, TV3 will be signing off starting May 6, 2020 until further notice. With this, the schedule for TV3 shows will not be available at the moment.

However, you can still watch your favorite TV shows, teleseryes, game shows and more available on demand via TV3 YouTube channel. You can also stream Digital3 series, movies, documentaries, lifestyle, travel, leisure, and kids’ shows plus over 1,000 free episodes of 100 free teleseryes. CCF Sunday Service will be available for streaming on CCF’s YouTube Live.

For the latest news, you may now watch One News Live, One PH, and Katropa News Network for free.

We will keep you posted on programming updates. Thank you and be safe!

  • TV3 Management
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